Thursday, July 8, 2010

Smart Growth Clashes with Storm Water Regulations

Everyone says it is a good idea, encourage development where there are opportunities for re-development or where there are already utilities and infrastructure.  Stop sprawl by creating urban centers where people can live, work and play.

All of this means higher density development but concentrated in a smaller area allowing the preservation of natural resources.

Many consumers are now deciding that this is how they would like to live.  Governments, Environmentalists and others are applauding the idea.  So what's the problem?

New, more stringent storm water regulations being implemented by Federal and State governments make smart growth nearly impossible.  These rules want to encourage infiltration, reduce impervious surfaces and make storm water BMPs larger.  All of these things potentially conflict with "Smart Growth".

NAHB has published an article about this here:

For more information on Smart Growth and Storm Water Rule Changes, contact Joe Charma or Keith Rudy at LandmarkJCM.

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