Thursday, July 8, 2010

LandmarkJCM Boasts one of the Top 5 Green Building Verifiers in the Country

Reprint from recent NAHBRC Verifier Update Report:

Celebrating Our Verifiers Extraordinaire

As the National Green Building Certification Program celebrates moving past its 1,000th certification, we wanted to take an opportunity to thank all of our Accredited Verifiers for serving as in-field ambassadors for the program and the National Green Building Standard.
In particular, we also want to give a special shout out to our highest-volume verifiers. These individuals have distinguished themselves by providing verification services for 25 homes or more since they received their accreditation.

As of June 8, 2010, Joe Gordon has the fourth -highest volume of Verifiers in the Nation. Moved from 5th place to 4th!

Joe Gordon is an Environmental Scientist and Green Building Verifier working out of our Georgetown, Delaware Office. As one of the most experienced Green Building Verifiers in the country, Joe can add real value to your project. For example, he recently alerted a builder about a faulty insulation installation just before it was covered with drywall. This saved the builder from building a less energy efficient home with unhappy customers.

To learn more about the benefits of Green Building and how LandmarkJCM can help you, contact Howard Fortunato.

Congratulations Joe!

1 comment:

LandmarkJCM said...

Way to go Joe! We are proud of you!