Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Anniversary LandmarkJCM

May 18, 2010 is the 23rd Anniversary of the founding of Landmark Engineering (now LandmarkJCM).

A big thanks to all of the founders, our loyal clients, employees, vendors and friends. We couldn't have done it without you.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Green Building Council Wins Award

Landmark/JCM's Howard Fortunato and Don Yoos of J.S. Hovnanian & Sons were on hand Monday night in Raleigh, NC to receive the coveted New Program of the Year Award.

Don and Howard attended the NAHB Green Building Conference which began Sunday. The highlight of the conference is the National Green Building Awards which are bestowed for several green building categories. The panel of national judges reviewed entries from across the country and awarded the Green Building Council of the HBADE as the 2010 New Program of the Year.

Big Shoes to fill for a relatively new Council, we were pleased to accept the award on behalf of the entire GBC and the Home Builders Association of Delaware. We' re pleased to show the nation that although Delaware is a small state, that Green building has taken hold here.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

LandmarkJCM Captures Two Regals!

We're proud to join our client's successes, as we received two Regal Awards last Friday night!

Best Color Print Ad for an Associate Member!

Best Special Event or Promotion for an Associate Member!

When JCM Environmental and Landmark Engineering joined forces and merged to create a truly full service engineering and environmental company, we rolled out our Breaking New Ground campaign. It captured and won over the judges!

Check us out at http://www.landmarkjcm.com/ whenever we can be of assistance - engineering, surveying, environmental, pond management, green building, and the list continues on, and on...

Monday, May 10, 2010


Congrats to all the winners but especially we would like to congratulate our friends and clients, having won numerous awards Friday night at the Regal Awards presentation, sponsored by the Home Builders Association of Delaware. Each of these firms won at least one award:

Benchmark Builders
Bestfield Homes
Layton Builders
LC Homes
Regal Builders
Reybold Development Corporation

In particular we would like to recognize and congratulate Layton Builders for the Best Green Built Home under 2,500 square feet, and Lance Manlove for Project/Production Manager of the Year for a Custom Builder.

Congrats again to all!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kevin Kelly Honored by NAHB for Commitment to Affordable Workforce Housing

Kevin was recently honored by NAHB as the 2010 Daniel M. Grady Memorial Award, which honors and recognizes work and advocacy for the casue of affordable and workforce housing.

The complete story by RealEsate Rama, can be viewed here:

LandmarkJCM commends and applauds Kevin as he continues this cause at his firm Leon N. Weiner & Associates, and our congratulations on achieving this prestigious recognition.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bestfield Homes Captures the 1,000th Green Certified Homes Mark

We are proud to announce that a new Bestfield Homes home in Willowwood, Smyrna has earned the distinction of being the 1,000th new home to be certified green in the Nation under the National Green Building Program!

Congrats to Scott Bradley, Guy Waites, Tony DiEgidio and Dan Martelli and the entire staff for earning this distinction late last week!

Read about it here in Nation's Building News: http://www.nbnnews.com/NBN/issues/2010-05-03/Green+Building/2.html

We are happy to have helped Bestfield earn this distinction, and proud to partner with them and all our green building clients as we continue to provide new home opportunities for more and more buyers of green homes.