Monday, June 29, 2009

Teacher Externship Program

JCM Environmental recently had the opportunity to work with the Business, Industry, Education Alliance (BIE Alliance) in hosting three local educators for the 2009 Teacher Externship Program. The program sets up local teachers with various Delaware businesses for an 18 hour “externship” in which they have the opportunity to shadow employees to gain a better understanding of what “real-world” information students need to learn in order to more adequately prepare them for future employment.

During their 3-day study, Kathleen Pickard, Linda Woodard (both from William Penn High School), and Shelia Smith (Skyline Middle School) worked with JCM employees on multiple tasks, and learned a great deal of information about the various disciplines of each of the employees. The ladies went out to our adopted wetland, Osborne, with Mick McLaughlin to inventory what types of flora and fauna were utilizing the created habitat, monitored a created wetland for plant survivability and hydrologic success, and learned about GIS mapping, permitting, reporting, Phase I audits, and a great deal more.

JCM is honored to have been chosen by the BIE Alliance to host our local educators, and looks forward to participating in this program again next year. (Blog prepared by Jodi Kerstetter)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Green Building Video from NAHB

The NAHB has a Green Building Video on youtube explaining how the NAHB Green Building Program works.

For more information contact

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Killens Pond State Park Nature Center Tour

Last Friday I went on a tour of the Killens Pond State Park Nature Center, which is all about green. The tour was arranged by our client homebuilder JS Hovnanian and attended by members of the HBADE Green Building Council.

The Nature Center building was completed last Fall and is LEED certified construction. It captures rainwater off the roof and stores it for irrigation. The facility uses composting toilets so all of the wasterwater is reused – liquids are used for irrigation and solids are composted. Room lighting uses sensors to increase and decrease lighting depending on condtions. They also use renewable geothermal heating and cooling.

During the tour staffers were holding summer camp classes for some youngsters who were learing all about the environment while also playing with face painting, etc!

In addition, our own Mick McLaughlin provided technical assistance last Fall and this Spring when Park officials were setting up their native critter displays. We're happy to play a part of this educational resource which benefits all. It's a wonderful resource and I'm sure they would be happy to give tours to anyone.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Landmark Engineering BRAC Seminar Today

Jim, Jacki, Doug and Howard were on hand today as we attended a BRAC presentation put on by Landmark Engineering for their builders, developers, realtors, attorney clients. The purpose of the seminar was to update the economic growth community of the status of the BRAC relocation and it's potential business opportunities. We were pleased to be the only Landmark partner invited to attend and display our BRAC posters, company literature and distribute our popular white JCM bags filled with Landmark and JCM goodies.

If you are not aware, the Army is closing Fort Monmouth in 2 years and transferring all the jobs to the Aberdeen base in Maryland which is only 25 miles away from Newark. This is called BRAC.

The speakers at the seminar were Hilary Ruske, the Army go-to guy that is heading this entire transition; a presentation by Steve Bomberger for the Home Builders Association of Delaware; Karl Kalbacher of New Castle County Economics; Vernon Thompson of Cecil County Economic Development, and Cyndi McLaughlin of UD.

They talked that an estimated 8,000 people will relocate to Aberdeen by the time Fort Monmouth NJ base permanently closes September 2011. They also talked about the huge potential opportunity for growth along Rt. 40 corridor between Newark and Aberdeen – growth in homes, shopping, stores, development, etc. Steve Bomberger shared a testimonial letter of praise from a BRAC transferee that bought a home from them.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meridian Crossing Open House

Jim, Jacki and Howard assisted for several hours at Reybold’s grand opening open-house at Meridian Crossing in Bear on Saturday. Of particular marketing significance is that we helped them obtain gold certifications from NAHB for Green Building, the first townhomes in Delaware to reach this achievement.

The townhomes are around 2400 square feet which is very spacious and they provide standard solar electric and geo-thermal heating and cooling. The respective subcontractors were there and they estimate these homes will probably have average monthly electric bills of $100. This is a big selling point and although the cost will depend heavily on usage by the homeowner, it attracts buyer’s interest.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Corps is Getting Better

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is getting a little bit better with the addition of Todd Hoernemann to their staff. Todd has been with JCM Environmental for 6 years now and has decided to go back to public sector work for a while. Todd will be working for Jeff Steen in the Surveillance and Enforcement Section of the Regulatory Branch at the Philadelphia District.

We wish Todd all the luck in the world and he will always be a part of our family at JCM Environmental.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Green Open House in Newark

Reybold Homes will have an Open House at Meridian Crossing on Saturday to show off their newly Certified NAHB Green Homes (The first Gold Certified Townhomes in Delaware). JCM Environmental was proud to help them certify these homes and is working with Reybold to get many more certified. JCM Environmental will be on hand to discuss Green Building and answer questions from noon - 3:00.

For more information, visit

Monday, June 8, 2009

JCM Enjoys Successful Day at Green Building Council Pig Roast

Despite the rain last Friday, we attended and participated in a successful Pig Roast in Dover, sponsored by the Green Building Council of HBA/DE. Everyone had a great time, while socializing and learning about green building. A number of our clients and business acquaintances were there, including Bob Thornton, several folks from builder firms JS Hovnanian, Bestfield, and Benchmark, and Landmark Engineering.

Our client Bob Thornton was the Chairman of the event and graciously sponsored the pig from Emmings BBQ outside Ocean City, Md. Event was outside under a large tent and attended by about 75 people. The dunk tank was nearby. Although I was initially supposed to be a dunkee, somehow I dodged that bullet, oh well.

The event theme was green building. Jim did a brief JCM powerpoint presentation and then the main speaker was Mike Luzier, President of the NAHB Research Center (the governing body of our green building program). He was tremendous, it was well accepted, one client asked me for a copy of the powerpoints. After the presentations, 4 people went into the dunk tank, and well, got dunked. Bob threw a few balls to dunk Dottie Fawcett and so did Joe.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mick the Newest Certified Green Professional at JCM

Congratulations to Mick McLaughlin who recently became recognized as a Certified Green Professional by the National Association of Homebuilders.

Mick's lifetime of dedication to environmental sciences, plant and animal ecosystems and herpatology are now complemented by his designation as a CGP.

Mick joins Craig Smith and Howard Fortunato on JCM's roster of CGP's. Together the CGP's at JCM Environmental represent 25% of all of the CGP's in the State of Delaware.

Congrats Mick!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Green Building Partners

JCM Environmental is unveiling our Green Builders Page on our website. This page will list the number of homes certified by each of our clients and have a link to their website.

We believe that this will add credibility to their certification with potential buyers through this third-party verifier link.

Visit often to track their progress

Congratulations to all of our Green Builder clients for their accomplishments in this voluntary program.