Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mick's Critters Demonstrate LMJCM at Milton Festival

Mick, our Senior biologist and critter expert, and his band of critters - local snakes, toads, frogs and turtles - delighted attendes at Saturday's Horseshoe Crab / Shorebird Festival in Milton Delaware.
Under ideal spring weather conditions, an estimated 1500 people stopped by to look at, learn, ask questions and even hold a live snake. It's always fun to see how some people, initially squeamish about snakes, quickly become fascinated to learn and feel that they are indeed not slimy.
Joining Mick to answer the more involved science questions was fellow envirnomental scientist Amy. The easier questions were fielded by fellow LMJCM'ers Bob from Dover office, his wife Bonnie, and Howard from New Castle office.
We even had a handful of visitors who asked about LMJCM, and we were able to tell them about our other services - pond management, engineering, sciences, and green building. We even impressed one volunteer with the League of Women Voters, when we explained how we helped improve land use decisions for the private sector and govenment bodies. She take special note of us and our services.
As always the case, it was a fun volunteer day to help the cause, and have a pleasant day meeting the public while making additional contacts in the community.

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