Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Submitted by Jim McCulley -

Yesterday I spent the day in Washington DC with several Delaware Builders as part of the NAHB Legislative Conference. In the morning we were given a briefing about the issues affecting Home Builders throughout the country and then we went to Capitol Hill to meet with Congressmen and Senators to discuss these issues.

We stopped in several offices and discussed Green Building Issues with staff for Mitch McConnell and Bob Casey.

In the afternoon we met with Congressman Mike Castle and his staff in his office, Senator Tom Carper and his staff in his office and Senator Ted Kauffman and his staff in Joe Biden’s old office (Senator Kauffman is in a small temporary office and Biden’s old office is unused presently).

We made sure to get the message out that the NAHB has an approved Green Building Standard that is ANSI Certified and ICC Endorsed and that this represents the only Green Building Standard in the Country. We discussed that any legislation that addresses Green Building should include reference to the NAHB Standard and should avoid setting unrealistic goals that are not based on the Standard. We also had the opportunity to discuss the issue surrounding Construction Lending and the problems in banking right now as well as the budget and stimulus packages.

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