Thursday, January 22, 2009

International Builder's Show - Thursday

We visited with HGTV and found out they have launched HGTV Pro for builders as a website and programming on the station. Right now they only have one hour of programming per week for “Building Professionals” but would like to add more. They are very interested in Green Building and will be contacting Bob and JCM about possible tie ins with Silver Woods and the NAHB Green Building Program.

We also met, by accident, with the owner of Lumber Liquidators, Tom Sullivan. Bob uses his products in his houses and Tom as it turns out is very interested in Green. He loves the fact that his product is in the first Gold Certified Home in the Nation and he wants to do some marketing about that. He is also very big into hydrogen fuel and trash to energy, he is an investor in two companies developing those technologies and wants to talk to us about looking at some options for the remainder of Silver Woods and other Green Developments in Delaware.

We then met Ed Sanders from Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Jim talked to him about the house we worked on in Wilmington and how great the experience was and then Bob and Jim talked to him about Green Building and offered our expertise for future projects.

We talked to some folks from the Department of Energy and learned about the new Builders Challenge program which enables houses to be rated and gets them a sticker similar to appliances that rates the whole house for energy consumption. Looks very interesting.

We also met with Alan Taylor who has a radio show on the west coast related to building and he was very interested in getting together with Bob for potential interviews and guidance on Green Building issues. Alan then introduced us to Karl Champley who has a show on DIY Network. Karl is filming a new show where he is building a house all by himself with no help. He is interested in building the house Green and was looking at LEED. Bob and Jim told him all about the NAHB Program and he now may do a dual certification. He took their cards and said he may call us for some help. We told him that we may be able to get NAHB to help with the show as a sponsor if he certifies to their guidelines.

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