Tuesday, December 29, 2009
EPA Releases ELG Standard for Storm Water
This limit does not apply on days where the site receives the equivalent rainfall of a 2 year 24 hour storm or greater.
This rule goes into effect for sites where 20 acres or more are disturbed at any one time and in 2014 for sites where 10 acres or more are disturbed at any one time. This rule will be enforced by the States in most cases and the States can adopt the rules early and can make them more strict.
We will stay on top of this issue.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
302-323-9377 x143 Jim or x141 Keith
Friday, December 18, 2009
Price vs. Value (How do you decide?)
Environmental Data Resources (EDR) posted a great blog article the other day about selecting an environmental consultant to perform your Phase I Environmental Assessment and not just looking at price (you usually get what you pay for, or worse).
The article is here.
This has been an ongoing debate in our company over the last twenty years and we have lost our fair share of contracts to someone who had a cheaper price. Many of those losses came back as new jobs when the client realized their mistake. Here are some examples:
- The Phase I Environmental Assessment was $500 cheaper but they recommended a Phase II when one really wasn't needed.
- The Phase I Environmental Assessment was cheaper but they missed a buried debris pit that cost me $20,000 to clean up after I bought the property.
- The wetland delineation was $1000 cheaper but they mapped 2 acres of wetlands that really weren't. (One time the other consultant mapped 75 acres of wetlands that really weren't).
- The survey price was cheaper but they laid out all of the houses wrong and I had to go get 25 variances from the County.
Do you ever go ask your doctor for his best price and then go shop around for a cheaper price? Of course not, we want the best doctor we can find.
Shouldn't it be the same way with your Engineer, Surveyor or Environmental Consultant? You usually have large sums of money riding on every deal and one mistake could be the difference between success and failure.
We pride ourselves in adding value to our services (see this blog) and we may not always be the cheapest but we hope you will always find us to be the best value.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Jim, Clients On the HBADE Board of Directors

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Howard is a Big Winner
Here is a link to the Delaware State News Article: LINK
Howard has been the President of the HBADE Green Building Council for two years and has been instrumental in advancing green residential construction in Delaware. Howard assisted Silverstock Builders in building the first Gold Certified Home under the NAHB Green Building Guidelines in the Nation and has assisted many builders in building green homes in the State.
Congratulations Howard!
You can reach Howard at howard@jcmenv.com
Friday, December 11, 2009
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Public Meeting
The TMDL that is being developed will allocate the pollution loadings allowed by each State within the watershed (see map) and the airshed (yes, I said the airshed, see additional map below).
The States will be responsible for dividing up their allocation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sediment to each of the discharging groups with input and suggestions from EPA. If the States do not meet their allocation goals, there will be consequenses imposed by EPA under The Clean Water Act.
Delaware's preliminary allocations are 5.25 million pounds of Nitrogen and 0.28 million pounds of Phosphorus. The real work now begins with developing the implementation plans to achieve these goals.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Meeting with EPA on Chesapeake Bay
According to EPA, the States now have draft TMDL numbers and should be developing implementation plans. It was clear from the discussions that EPA is leaning towards recommending no new development in the basin with 2:1 offsets for nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
More About the Merger
A new website outlining all of our combined services is currently under construction. Most important right now is getting your project under construction. So for now, please refer to our original websites for detailed information or visit www.LandmarkJCM.com.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Announcing the Merger of JCM Environmental and Landmark Engineering
One of the largest civil engineering firms in Delaware and the most diverse environmental consulting firms in Delaware have merged to form a full service firm to serve the needs of their clients.
More details can be found at http://www.landmarkjcm.com/
Landmark/JCM has offices in New Castle, Dover and Georgetown, Delaware as well as Wayne, Pennsylvania and Havre de Grace, Maryland.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
EPA Enforcement and CWA Reauthorization
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
New Castle County JD Issue

Friday, October 30, 2009
What Has Your Consultant Done For You Lately
Click here to see the value in hiring JCM Environmental.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
You Wanted Change...You Are Getting It!

These new initiatives cover everything from storm water, wetlands, nutrients and climate change.
HBADE will be sponsoring additional seminars in Kent County and Sussex County in the coming weeks.
For more information, contact Jim at jim@jcmenv.com
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
BRAC Know Before You Go Expo
JCM Environmental teamed with 8 of our Green Building clients to educate the transferees about the value of buying a green built home. We also educated them on the value of an NAHB green home certification in order to ensure that the home they are buying is really green. The participating builders were: Bestfield Homes, Blenheim Homes, Cornell Homes, Empire Builders, Reybold Development, RC Peoples, Silverstock Builders, and Thompson Homes.
Several JCM Employees attended and manned the Expo booths, along with builder representatives. Everyone we talked to was a transferee and was making the move from New Jersey to either Maryland or Delaware. We estimate at least 500 people attended this Expo and received exposure to green building and our client’s communities.
JCM also made numerous great connections with the Expo host Cecil County Chamber of Commerce staff members, new builders, Realtors, government officials and others at the Expo.
For more information, please contact Howard Fortunato at howard@jcmenv.com or visit http://www.jcmenv.com/ for more information.
Seminar Announced
Register or get more details here:
Some of the topics are:
Post construction SWM facility maintenance
Clean Water Act Enforcement
Effluent Limitation Guidelines (due in December)
Smarter Growth Options
Climate Change Legislation
Great Lakes Restoration Plan
Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Legislation
Chesapeake Bay TMDL and Legislation
Monday, October 19, 2009
HBADE Home Show Highlights Green Building and Living
Attendees at the show were able to see many different green-minded products from hundreds of vendors. Our Green Building Council (including Howard and many of our clients and colleagues) staffed a booth and provided answers for the people asking various questions about green and reminding them to look for the NAHB certified green logo on new construction in order to make sure they were really buying a green home and not getting greenwashed.
Jim McCulley was a featured speaker, talking about green building and how to avoid greenwashing. Other speakers included DNREC Secreatry Collin O'Mara, Ralph Nigro who spoke about the stimulus package, and UD students who presented green energy seminars.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ocean Sunfish - One of the highlights of our Event
Sunfish live on a diet that consists mainly of
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Another Rain Barrel Winner
Rain Barrels allow you to capture rain water and then use it during dry periods to water your flowers or wash your car without wasting municipal water. This untreated rainwater is better for your plants because it contains no chlorine.
Congratulations to our latest Rain Barrel winner. To get more information on Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens or any other Green Practice, contact JCM Environmental at jim@jcmenv.com or visit http://www.jcmenv.com/
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Solar Docks – Solar Panel Install Solution

Last week Craig Smith and I had to opportunity to learn more about solar docks, a system to install solar panels on roofs or other open areas without attaching or penetrating the surface. The system is designed and handled by a Wilmington company SolarDock http://www.solardock.com/. I decided to pass the information along as others could learn and possibly benefit from this.
Actually the solar dock is a lightweight frame into which the solar panel is installed. The beauty of it is that it is weighed down and attached to cinder blocks. We saw an application on their client’s roof in Wilmington, mounted onto an automotive repair facility roof without penetrating the roof itself. Pretty cool!
Its also an ideal solution for installing over vacant open ground, or brownfields where you don’t want to penetrate the surface. SolarDock has a schematic design to place fill dirt, geotextile matting and stone above the existing brownfields cap and then placing the solar modules and dock on top.
This could also be applied to vacant land parcels 10-80 acres in size if the landowner does not plan to do anything with the land for several years.
The benefit is being able to generate green energy from otherwise non-productive land.
Chicago NAHB Meetings

- Post construction SWM facility maintenance
- Clean Water Act Enforcement
- Effluent Limitation Guidelines (due in December)
- Smarter Growth Options
- Climate Change Legislation
- Great Lakes Restoration Plan
- Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Legislation
- Chesapeake Bay TMDL and Legislation
Monday, October 5, 2009
UD Coast Day in Lewes

Besides the thousands that attended Coast Day, some friends stopped by, including Rick Burritt, some DNREC folks, a homebuilder and remodeler, and our friends at Center for Inland Bays. A nice day at Coast day, literally within a stones throw of the Delaware coast.
Monday, September 21, 2009
COAST DAY PA -- Huge Success
Friday, September 18, 2009
JCM Presents Green Building to Eastern Shore (MD) BIA
The 40 or so members at the meeting were all very passionate about their feelings and questions and this provided for lively discussion and interaction. Heretofore they mostly had not heard any of this firsthand. (In effect we were first responders, much like the meeting was in a restaurant previously a firehouse for first responders.) We first explained what green is and is not, then Bob Thornton described his positive experiences with the benefits he has seen by building green and having built the first NAHB Gold Certified home in the Nation since the program began. Then we provided a surface explanation about how a builder builds green and gets their homes certified by the NAHB Research Center. Finally we concluded the presentation with details as to how their Association can become affiliated with NAHB Green, and the benefits of forming a Green Building Council.
A great deal of the comments and questions were related to identifying how a builder figures out the cost to build green, and how to translate the benefits of green building to prospective new buyers. The session will help us refine future presentations to more clearly address these questions. While we hope we will soon hear from some of the attendees as they consider implementing green building, we are equally excited they may use our help to initiate the NAHB Affiliation and Green Building Council route, same as we did 18 months ago in Delaware.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Meridian Crossing Unmatched in Variety and Value
By Carol Kipp
Meridian Crossing has already established itself as a unique community in Delaware. And not just in the clichéd use of the word, which is just an exaggerated way of saying unusual. This is the only community offering geothermal heating and cooling and solar electric as optional features, the only community that has taken Energy-Star certification to a whole new level.
The advantage to buyers is enormous, and not just because their heating and cooling bills will be 60 to 70 percent lower than those of people still relying on traditional systems. As the sustainable-energy movement grows, along with public concern for the environment, homes in Meridian Crossing will be part of the future instead of the past. Yet the builder/developer, The Reybold Group, has not compromised the quality and value of the homes by substituting state-of-the-art energy systems for other important standard features. At Meridian Crossing, buyers will find a community where the value runs deep and homes are defined by affordable luxury.
The uniqueness of this exceptionally well-designed community is more fully defined by the combination of features found there. Visitors discover that the first and most obvious asset is a very attractive site plan with winding streets, stacked stone walls, and a heavy investment in landscaping. The second is an architecturally impressive, $2 million clubhouse, now complete and ready for its Grand Opening debut in October. Expect a state-of-the-art facility with style, sophistication and considerable elegance, a clubhouse designed to anticipate every resident need. The two gathering rooms, one with a big-screen TV and the other with a gourmet kitchen and bar, have the architectural detail and ambience of an exclusive resort. The fitness center, theater room and Internet-ready business center, along with the conference room and men’s and women’s changing rooms, are appointed on a similar scale. Outside, walking trails have been installed, and tot lots, tennis courts, baseball and soccer fields are ready to go.
The third advantage Meridian Crossing offers is a broad variety of housing choices, beginning with the four townhome models first introduced, all featuring stately, historic-inspired facades and more than 2,300-square feet of finished living space on three levels. Open-floor-plan designs reflect a very modern sensibility. Three of the models have rear-access, oversized garages; all of them have flexible floor plans — two bedrooms instead of three; a kitchen in the front or the rear. All include a maintenance-free rear deck on the main level and 2.2 baths. Standard features also include a kitchen island with breakfast bar, a family room and half-bath on the lower level, 2-by-6 exterior framing to satisfy Energy-Star insulation standards (R-19 in the walls; R-38 in ceilings), a security system, and a concrete rear patio on homes with a front-entry garage. Prices start in the high-$200s.
Reybold is about to introduce other choices within the community, starting with two-story Carriage Homes that offer four different elevations and six floor-plan options. Two will offer one-floor living (first-floor owner suite); four will offer two-level living. Just 30 of these homes will be built, all with 3,300 square feet of living space that includes 3 bedrooms (or 2 owner suites), 2.2 baths, and a 2-car garage. Geothermal and solar-electric systems will be optional here as well.
The Carriage Home, semi-detached design incorporates a courtyard entry in the center flanked by the garage for each home, a pleasing alternative to the more common side-by-side garage design. The result is improved curb appeal and a more gracious introduction to interiors that feature a large, elegant foyer and dramatic volume space. Prices range from the mid- to upper-$300s.
The third housing option in this community will be condominiums. The first building, one of 10 that will each incorporate 22 units, is now in the framing stage. The eight, one-level floor-plan choices offer one, two or three bedrooms in living space that ranges from 770 sq. ft. ($179,900) to 1,400 sq. ft. ($259,900). The buildings are designed with enclosed entries and corridors, and garages underneath.
The final consideration, of course, is location. Again, Meridian Crossing excels. Located just off Rt. 40 in Bear, the community is part of a semi-rural environment that offers a landscape of natural beauty within minutes of shopping centers and an access ramp to Del. 1. Count on easy commutes north to urban workplaces and south to Delaware’s resort towns.
Directions from Wilm: I-95 S to Del 1 S to Rt. 40 W (exit 160). Follow Rt. 40 for 1.7 miles to left onto Church Road. Community is ½ mi. ahead on right. Sales Center open daily, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information: 302.834.1740. www.meridiancrossing.com
Friday, September 11, 2009
BRAC to be a windfall for this entire region, and Cecil County Chamber
The speaker Clark Turner of Clark Turner Signature Homes did an
excellent presentation about BRAC and the impact to Cecil County.
HUGE impact!
This lunch was a great event and the Chamber is a tremendous resource which begs to be tapped! There were about 100 people there and they were all friendly and want to do business. Went around the room before lunch, each person stood up and introduced themselves and had 30 seconds to plug their business. Engineers, bankers, consultants, educators, you name it. A good mix of businesses.
Clark Turner relayed some staggering BRAC statistics. Aberdeen
Proving Ground will see 27,000 new jobs of which 23,000 are coming
between now and 2012!. All these jobs are high tech, the AVERAGE
salary at the APG will be around $86,000! There is or will be 3 or
4 million square feet of offices, which is second only to the
Pentagon! Of all the 55,000 BRAC people which will be moving to the
area, 85% will be home buyers (to relate the 55,000, there's about
80,000 that live within the city limits of Wilmington). He thinks 75%
of these people will want to live in Cecil County – why? Because
they will be closer in the middle to family and friends back in Fort
Monmouth – that same logic will help bring buyers to Delaware.
Clark indicated a demand of 12,000 lots are needed to
satisfy all these BRAC buyers. In Harford and Cecil County there are
only 3,000 approved lots in inventory so the 9,000 lot shortfall will
have to be absorbed in surrounding areas and new projects to enter
the pipeline – including Delaware and Pennsylvania! He mentioned that APG has spent a huge amount of money to upgrade their infrastructure and roads on the
base. However the State of Maryland has not kept up! So not only will there be initial congestion, but the opportunity will be there for municipal and state public works projects for roads, sewer, etc. He further mentioned that Cecil County is flat in the middle of a technology corridor – Delaware is chemical capital of the
world, New Jersey is pharmaceutical capital, APG and Fort Mead and
some other is the military capital, northern Virginia is the communications capital…
Now Clark's information was well researched and documented. But even if you discounted half of these numbers, theres still tremendous business and economic opportunities. Talk about the catbird seat!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
See article here.
JCM prefers to use the NAHB Green Building Program for residential construction.
Contact Howard for more information.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mercury Found in All Fish Tested from 300 Streams in U.S.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New Castle County Planning Board
Jim has prepared written testimony that he will submit to the Board which he will summarize at the meeting tonight. For a copy of this testimony, please contact Jim at jim@jcmenv.com.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Meeting with Senator Carper

Jim McCulley was part of a small group from the Homebuilders Association of Delaware to meet with Senator Carper yesterday on housing issues.
Discussed were:
1. Extension and broadening of home buyers tax credit
2. Problems with appraisal process
3. Problems with Mortgage and A.D. and C. lending practices.
The Senator was very gracious in extending time to us and we believe that he will bring our ideas back to the Senate when they are back in session.
For more details contact Jim at jim@jcmenv.com
Friday, August 14, 2009
Teacher Externship Appreciation
I received a thank-you note from Lori Aldrich of the Delaware Business, Industry, Education Alliance for participating in the Teacher Externship Program. She said that the teachers found their experience to be very rewarding, and hopes we’ll participate again next year.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
iPod Winner Announced
A few JCM Environmental staffers oversaw the drawing of the winning entry for the iPod give-away from the Delaware State Fair.
Congratulations to Gloria Saatman for being the lucky winner. We will be contacting you for details on getting your your prize.
Thank you to everyone else for participating.
We were proud to support DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife for the third year in a row by providing critters and man-power at the Delaware State Fair. We believe that this is a great way to educate the public about the natural environment and the critters that share our great State.
Special thanks to Dawn Webb of the Dupont Nature Center for all of her support.
State Fair iPod Contest Winner
We will announce the winner in the next 24 hours. Stay tuned!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Bestfield Homes Green Home Open House
I was able to join Bestfield Homes yesterday at their Fairways at
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Georgetown Chamber of Commerce with Alan Levin
Alan Levin presented his vision for the DDO which is to focus on small business growth and tourism promotion, both major engines for Delaware’s economy. He shared his philosophy that government should facilitate and not stand in the way of responsible economic growth. To help achieve this goal, Mr. Levin announced that there will be a major reorganization of DDO placing less focus on staff functioning as experts to drive business direction but rather on staff functioning as generalists that help facilitate private sector experts’ initiative and entrepreneurship. Mr. Levin also emphasized that efforts are being made for State agencies to better communicate and coordinate to help rather than stand in the way of economic growth; he also met yesterday with DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara to work to develop ways to enable DNREC to change its process to be more efficient and responsive to enable economic growth while ensuring environmental protection.
JCM will continue to work with DNREC on important issues that affect our clients, with the current opportunity described by Mr. Levin an excellent opportunity to do just that.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Layton Construction Holds Dover Brokers Open
ERA Harrington Realty Learns About NAHB Green Building
Friday, July 31, 2009
CIB Decked Out a Fun Success
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Delaware State Fair
Don't forget to come visit JCM Environmental and their critters at the DNREC Building (next to the farm equipment display). You can talk with JCM representatives between 1 and 5 each day and also enter for a chance to win an iPod for filling out a green building questionnaire.
Hope to see you there.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Ezion Fair Open House

When Pastor Curry introduced Jack Markell, he said that none of this would have been possible without the Governor and JCM Environmental....wow, that makes you feel good! We love to be there to see a successful project come to completion.
Jim, for the first time ever, spoke from the pulpit of a Baptist Church and thanked the Pastor and the Congregation for putting their faith in JCM and allowing us to assist in this important project (he even got a few Amens!).
It was a great day with lots of people thanking us for a job well done.
We made many new friends today at Ezion Fair and hope to keep in touch.
Congratulations Ezion Fair
Pastor Curry had the vision to take an under-utilized processing plant and create a magnificent church committed to giving back to the community.
Services provided by JCM Environmental include:
• Wetlands Investigation
• Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
• Brownfields Redevelopment
• Certified Construction Review
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wild Delmarva Exhibit

Photo by Kevin Fleming
From Cape Gazette: http://www.capegazette.com/storiescurrent/200907/flemings24.html
“Wild Delmarva,” a photograph exhibit featuring the work of Kevin and Jay Fleming, will open at 7 p.m., Thursday, July 30, at the Center for the Inland Bays at the third annual Decked Out! fundraiser for the center.
“After spending over six months shooting for our new book, Wild Delmarva, Jay and I will be displaying our new work for the first time at the Center for the Inland Bays,” said Kevin Fleming.
The event, featuring dessert tastings, drinks and the Sounds of Steel will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on the deck at the center overlooking Indian River Inlet. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased online at inlandbays.org or by calling 302-226-8105
Event sponsors are Perdue; Allied Waste – A Republic Services Company; Artesian Water Company; Conectiv Energy; Clean Green Horizons; Greeley and Hansen; JCM Environmental & VLM Lake Management; South Bethany Property Owners Association; AC Schultes of Delaware; Duffield Associates; Mountaire Farms; Tidewater Utilities; Barbara and Gary Jayne; Concierge by the Sea; Comcast Spotlight; and Clean Delaware. Proceeds from the event will benefit the center’s endowment fund at the Delaware Community Foundation.
For more information on the Delaware Inland Bays, visit inlandbays.org
Thursday, July 23, 2009
JCM Environmental sponsors CIB Event
Monday, July 20, 2009
Reybold Group takes home the Gold
By Carol Kipp
The Reybold Group was committed to green building practices and energy-efficient homes well ahead of the current trend. This builder’s mandate to follow strict construction guidelines far exceeds minimal county standards. But when the National Association of Home Builders published their standards for green construction in early 2009, it was like throwing down a gauntlet. Reybold decided to aim for the gold—the highest of three certification levels. They were determined to settle for nothing less than the best.
And so it was no surprise when last month the builder’s first two Meridian Crossing townhomes were awarded green certification at the Gold Level, the second homes in Delaware to achieve that status and the first townhomes. Nationally, they are among the first 100. The Meridian Crossing homes did more than just meet the gold-level standards; true to form, they exceeded them by 65 points. Credit for this achievement also goes to JCM Environmental, a local group that acts as an advocate for the environment and green-construction guide to builders looking for cost-effective ways to achieve sustainability.
This newly conferred award can only be good news for buyers who want to dramatically reduce energy costs, live in a healthy indoor environment and invest in a home built to last. Reybold is committed to gold-certification standards for every Meridian Crossing townhome. And even though geothermal heating and cooling and solar electric are not required at the gold level, in this community they are standard features. Reybold is the first builder in New Castle County—possibly even the first in the state—to include renewable-energy systems in the base price. Experts maintain that a geothermal system will reduce heating and cooling costs by 60 to 70 percent, and that solar panels will significantly offset the cost of electricity.
At Meridian Crossing, conveniently located on a quiet byway off Rt. 40 in Bear, the value runs deep because so many energy-saving features are standard. The list includes 2-by-6 exterior framing that boosts wall insulation to R-19 (instead of the usual R-13) and ceiling insulation to R-38 (instead of R-30). Water-saving features include dual-flush toilets with full- and half-flush options, plus low-flow water faucets that do not diminish the pressure. Reybold also installs bathroom fans timed to go off automatically and also help circulate indoor air, motion sensors on outdoor lighting, and a host of Energy-Star approved features, from appliances and ceiling fans to light fixtures, water heaters and windows. An optional electric fireplace fools the eye into thinking it’s wood-burning.
The goal of The Reybold Group is to be the best green builder in Delaware, which explains the commitment to state-of-the-art energy efficiency systems and carbon footprints reduced by as much as 45 percent. That same pride is reflected in the overall community.
An impressive boulevard entrance introduces a site plan with winding streets, stacked stonewalls, trees and flowering plants. The recently completed clubhouse features an interior with Manhattan sophistication and amenities that include a social gathering room with big-screen TV, great room with gourmet kitchen, fitness center, media center and Internet-ready business center, plus a conference room and men’s and women’s changing rooms. Tot lots, baseball and soccer fields are installed as well.
The four models available live up to the status level of the community. Stately historic-inspired facades are the prelude to more than 2,300-square feet of finished living space on three levels. Open-floor-plan designs reflect a very modern sensibility. Three of the models have rear-access, oversized garages; all of them have flexible floor plans—two bedrooms instead of three and a kitchen in the front or the rear. Count on a maintenance-free rear deck on the main level, two full and two half-baths, a kitchen island with breakfast bar, a family room on the lower level, security system, and a concrete rear patio on homes with a front-entry garage.
Prices start in the $270s, but if you factor in energy-cost savings and included features, the value is greater than with lower-priced homes of comparable size. And the difference in overall monthly cost is negligible. In Meridian Crossing, The Reybold Group is building the home of tomorrow today.
Meridian Crossing/The Reybold Group
Press release/July 11 News Journal
Friday, July 17, 2009
Delaware State Fair

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Building Green…..What Makes A J.S. Hovnanian & Sons’ Home GREEN
Their active-adult community, Roesville, in Frederica, Delaware was the first to be certified green by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The more than 400 ranch-style, single-family homes planned for the Roesville community will be constructed with the use of specific materials and building techniques that meet the NAHB guidelines.
“The smart design and efficiency of the homes we build provide economical savings to our buyers while also contribute to a healthier environment,” said Stephen Hovnanian, principal of J.S. Hovnanian & Sons.
While many builders implement a variety of measures to construct homes that barely meet the lowest standards for green certification, J.S. Hovnanian goes beyond these metrics to ensure that the homes they design and build include the most stringent green building practices.
In fact, for over seven years, J.S. Hovnanian & Sons’ homes have been built above the ENERGY STAR guidelines, earning them an exceptional level of performance. Some of the key building and ENERGY STAR practices the company implements to achieve their green certification includes:
· Engineered roof trusses material waste is kept to a minimum during manufacture and they are stronger than old roof styles
· Panelized walls keep material waste down to a minimum during manufacture
· PEX manobloc system for indoor water delivery gets water to the faucet faster via dedicated tubing, so you waste less to get hot water
· Site design creates a minimal impact on the natural environment and uses native plants
· Sealed duct work with special adhesives to minimize leaks
· Low-E argon-filled window keeps conditioned air in and the outside air out
· High-efficiency tankless hot water heaters
· Energy Star appliances reduce energy costs and help keep your carbon footprint to a minimum
· Special insulation practices ensure a tight seal for your home
· Programmable Thermostats help to save energy, money, and help fight global warming
“Our 45-years of experience as master planners and builders has enabled us to design cutting-edge products that meet the needs and budgets of today’s buyers without compromising the future of our environment,” added Hovnanian.
For more information about J.S. Hovnanian & Sons’ Roesville community in Delaware, please contact Kathy Engel at 302-335-5804 or visit http://www.hovhomes.com.
(prepared by J.S. Hovnanian & Sons)
J.S. Hovnanian & Sons Premier Delaware Community Receiveds NAHB Green Certification
J.S. Hovnanian & Sons Premier Delaware Community Receives
NAHB Green Standard Certification
Homes in J.S. Hovnanian & Sons Roesville community – the company’s first housing community in Delaware – have been certified as “green” by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) according to its new green building guidelines.
According to the NAHB, green homes utilize a wide variety of sustainable home building practices in both their design and in their building process. Incorporating renewable materials to conserve energy and preserve the earth’s valuable environmental resources, these homes ultimately meet all of the specifications outlined in the NAHB’s National Green Building Guidelines.
When completed, the active adult buyers of Roesville will enjoy life in one of over 400 ranch-style, single-family homes – each offering a variety of innovative three-bedroom, two-bath designs. The homes will be built using specific materials and building techniques that meet NAHB guidelines. When built to such high efficiency standards, homeowners will expend less energy to achieve the same level of comfort they have become accustomed to.
J.S. Hovnanian & Sons engineers have conducted extensive research and have estimated the following energy savings for Roesville homeowners:
The accumulative energy savings once all 444 homes are completed will be more or less equivalent to removing 175 cars from the road, reducing independence on oil by 2,219 barrels per year or saving seven acres of forest from deforestation.
Similarly, the individual cost-savings in owning one of these homes is roughly equivalent to the planting of 55 trees each year, recycling 1,480 lbs of trash or having 67 families switching from plastic to reusable grocery bags.
Roesville models are priced starting in the low $200,000’s. The community is host to many luxurious amenities including indoor/outdoor pools, a state-of-the-art fitness center, a travel library, basketball and tennis courts, putting greens and a multi-modal fitness trail. The age-restricted community also features a 10,000 square-foot lodge – a state-of-the-art facility that inspires a sense of community and activity among a new trend of active-adult buyers.
For more information about J.S. Hovnanian & Sons’ Roesville community in Delaware, please contact Kathy Engel at 302-335-5804 or visit http://www.hovhomes.com/. Energy savings are estimates, based on comparisons of building the same floor plan to minimum energy and building code requirements, and will vary based on usage.
(prepared by JS Hovnanian & Sons)
First, consider a J.S. Hovnanian & Sons home. You know this family-owned company has built its entire reputation on building a quality product at a reasonable price.
Next, look at J.S.Hovnanian’s newest active-adult community in Delaware called Roesville. You will receive a great deal on one of over 400 ranch-style, single family homes – each with innovative three-bedroom, two-bath designs, with prices starting in the low $200,000’s.
Finally, take into consideration the fact that Roesville is the first active-adult community in Delaware that has been certified as “green” by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) according to its new, strict green building guidelines.
Have you stopped to think about the reasons why buying green is important? Besides the fact that you are doing your part to preserve our precious environment, buying a home that meets the NAHB’s strict guidelines will help you expend less energy to achieve the same level of comfort you have become accustomed to.
J.S. Hovnanian & Sons’ green homes utilize a wide variety of sustainable home building practices in both their design and in their building process. Incorporating renewable materials helps conserve energy and preserve the earth’s valuable environmental resources.
The company’s engineers have conducted extensive research and have estimated the following energy savings for Roesville homeowners:
The accumulative energy savings once all 444 homes are completed will be more or less equivalent to removing 175 cars from the road, reducing independence on oil by 2,219 barrels per year or saving seven acres of forest from deforestation.
Similarly, the individual cost-savings in owning one of these homes is roughly equivalent to the planting of 55 trees each year, recycling 1,480 lbs of trash or having 67 families switching from plastic to reusable grocery bags.
You have to agree these are impressive savings. In addition, these figures are solely based on Energy Star® gas and electric usage savings and would be even higher if the engineers took into account the savings one can also accrue through the water saving measures that have been built into each home.
So step up to the plate and buy a green home at Roesville, in Delaware. You’ll get great satisfaction out of hitting one out-of-the-park.
Energy savings are estimates, based on comparisons of building the same floor plan to minimum energy and building code requirements, and will vary based on usage.
For more information about J.S. Hovnanian & Sons’ Roesville community in Delaware, please contact Kathy Engel at 302-335-5804 or visit http://www.hovhomes.com/.
(Prepared by JS Hovnanian & Sons)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Meeting with Colin O'Marra
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Employee
John has extensive Pennsylvania wetland and waterway permitting experience as well as:
Soils (Septic evaluator, designer and inspector in PA, perc testing)
GIS (Highly skilled in GIS and GPS)
Storm Water and Road Construction Inspection
Wetland Delineation
He previously worked in Mercer County NJ, Dept of Transportation doing water management and mosquito control. As well as a civil engineering firm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
John will be the newest PM in the Sciences Branch and will be taking the lead on existing and new Pennsylvania projects as well as other wetland delineation and permitting projects.
John can be reached at jphelps@jcmenv.com or 302-737-9335 X107
Monday, June 29, 2009
Teacher Externship Program

JCM Environmental recently had the opportunity to work with the Business, Industry, Education Alliance (BIE Alliance) in hosting three local educators for the 2009 Teacher Externship Program. The program sets up local teachers with various Delaware businesses for an 18 hour “externship” in which they have the opportunity to shadow employees to gain a better understanding of what “real-world” information students need to learn in order to more adequately prepare them for future employment.
During their 3-day study, Kathleen Pickard, Linda Woodard (both from William Penn High School), and Shelia Smith (Skyline Middle School) worked with JCM employees on multiple tasks, and learned a great deal of information about the various disciplines of each of the employees. The ladies went out to our adopted wetland, Osborne, with Mick McLaughlin to inventory what types of flora and fauna were utilizing the created habitat, monitored a created wetland for plant survivability and hydrologic success, and learned about GIS mapping, permitting, reporting, Phase I audits, and a great deal more.
JCM is honored to have been chosen by the BIE Alliance to host our local educators, and looks forward to participating in this program again next year. (Blog prepared by Jodi Kerstetter)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Green Building Video from NAHB
For more information contact howard@jcmenv.com
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pen Contest in Full Swing

Monday, June 22, 2009
Killens Pond State Park Nature Center Tour

The Nature Center building was completed last Fall and is LEED certified construction. It captures rainwater off the roof and stores it for irrigation. The facility uses composting toilets so all of the wasterwater is reused – liquids are used for irrigation and solids are composted. Room lighting uses sensors to increase and decrease lighting depending on condtions. They also use renewable geothermal heating and cooling.
During the tour staffers were holding summer camp classes for some youngsters who were learing all about the environment while also playing with face painting, etc!
In addition, our own Mick McLaughlin provided technical assistance last Fall and this Spring when Park officials were setting up their native critter displays. We're happy to play a part of this educational resource which benefits all. It's a wonderful resource and I'm sure they would be happy to give tours to anyone.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Landmark Engineering BRAC Seminar Today
If you are not aware, the Army is closing Fort Monmouth in 2 years and transferring all the jobs to the Aberdeen base in Maryland which is only 25 miles away from Newark. This is called BRAC.
The speakers at the seminar were Hilary Ruske, the Army go-to guy that is heading this entire transition; a presentation by Steve Bomberger for the Home Builders Association of Delaware; Karl Kalbacher of New Castle County Economics; Vernon Thompson of Cecil County Economic Development, and Cyndi McLaughlin of UD.
They talked that an estimated 8,000 people will relocate to Aberdeen by the time Fort Monmouth NJ base permanently closes September 2011. They also talked about the huge potential opportunity for growth along Rt. 40 corridor between Newark and Aberdeen – growth in homes, shopping, stores, development, etc. Steve Bomberger shared a testimonial letter of praise from a BRAC transferee that bought a home from them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Meridian Crossing Open House
The townhomes are around 2400 square feet which is very spacious and they provide standard solar electric and geo-thermal heating and cooling. The respective subcontractors were there and they estimate these homes will probably have average monthly electric bills of $100. This is a big selling point and although the cost will depend heavily on usage by the homeowner, it attracts buyer’s interest.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Corps is Getting Better
We wish Todd all the luck in the world and he will always be a part of our family at JCM Environmental.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Green Open House in Newark

Monday, June 8, 2009
JCM Enjoys Successful Day at Green Building Council Pig Roast

Despite the rain last Friday, we attended and participated in a successful Pig Roast in Dover, sponsored by the Green Building Council of HBA/DE. Everyone had a great time, while socializing and learning about green building. A number of our clients and business acquaintances were there, including Bob Thornton, several folks from builder firms JS Hovnanian, Bestfield, and Benchmark, and Landmark Engineering.
Our client Bob Thornton was the Chairman of the event and graciously sponsored the pig from Emmings BBQ outside Ocean City, Md. Event was outside under a large tent and attended by about 75 people. The dunk tank was nearby. Although I was initially supposed to be a dunkee, somehow I dodged that bullet, oh well.
The event theme was green building. Jim did a brief JCM powerpoint presentation and then the main speaker was Mike Luzier, President of the NAHB Research Center (the governing body of our green building program). He was tremendous, it was well accepted, one client asked me for a copy of the powerpoints. After the presentations, 4 people went into the dunk tank, and well, got dunked. Bob threw a few balls to dunk Dottie Fawcett and so did Joe.