Yesterday Amy, Jacki, Howard, Joe and his young cousin Cole (a future biologist!) were joined by a few thousand of our closest friends at UD’s 33rd annual Coast Day in Lewes.
Large crowds enjoyed the beautiful fall day and visited our booth, exploring all that our firm offers. But the runaway hit was our collection of wild critters – snakes, turtles and frogs (most of these were caught only a few days ago by our Senior Biologist Mick, and will be returned to the wild shortly). For many of our guests it was their first chance to get up close and personal with the critters. One ingenious ratsnake managed to figure out how to get out of his temporary plastic home and nearly escaped but Joe got him back in. And one lucky visitor, a UD student, won our drawing for the rain-barrel we gave away! She’s going to donate it to her parents house instead of her dorm. For those not familiar, a rain-barrel is simply a container which captures rainwater off the roof and stores it for watering nearby plants and shrubs.
Besides the thousands that attended Coast Day, some friends stopped by, including Rick Burritt, some DNREC folks, a homebuilder and remodeler, and our friends at Center for Inland Bays. A nice day at Coast day, literally within a stones throw of the Delaware coast.
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