Wednesday, November 30, 2011

J.S. Hovnanian Wins at MAME Awards

Our client J.S. Hovnanian and Sons won big at the recent MAME awards, held this month by Builders League of South Jersey.

Stephen Hovnanian won the coveted Builder of the Year Award, and the firm won the Commitment to Excellence Award. This is truly an exciting award because it is based on homebuyer satisfaction surveys and input.

Read more:

Congratulations to J.S. Hovnanian and Sons! We are proud to serve their green-minded home building at Roesville, as they continue to build homes certified in the National Green Building Certification Program.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ted Williams Joins College of Fellows of ACEC

Ted C. Williams, P.E., FACEC, principal and EVP of LandmarkJCM, has been inducted into the College of Fellows of the American Council of Engineering Companies, an elite group of engineers who have made significant contributions to the engineering profession through their experience, knowledge and networking abilities.

Ted (second from right) was reconized by (from left) David Raymond, President and CEO of ACEC, Everett Cowan, Chairman of the Committee of Fellows, and Terry Neimeyer, Chairman of ACEC, during their Fall Conference held October 19-22, 2011 at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ted currently serves as ACEC Chairman-Elect and will succeed Terry Neimeyer, who began his one-year term as ACEC Chairman in March, 2011.

ACEC is the voice of America's engineering industry. Council members – numbering more than 5,000 firms representing more than 400,000 employees throughout the country – are engaged in a wide range of engineering works that propel the nation's economy, and enhance and safeguard America's quality of life. The Council's mission is to contribute to America's prosperity and welfare by advancing the business interests of member firms.

Halloween at LandmarkJCM !

A few of us took time out to get in spooky costumes yesterday to celebrate Halloween. Kind of takes you back when you were a kid and all that candy was a huge treat. For some of us, it still is...

Pictured left to right: Megan Zelano, Morgan McGee-Solomon, Brent Sulecki, Amy Nazdrowicz.

When sustainable land planning, engineering and environmental sciences have you spooked, contact LandmarkJCM. In costume or not, we can help.