The snow will be melting, soon....I promise! February is always the time to start planning our activities for Bog Turtle Season.
The LandmarkJCM Sciences Division is currently preparing by obtaining permits and licenses and talking to other surveyors about working together as needed. We have already issued several proposals and anticipate a large influx of work as we get closer to April 15th.
If you think you will need a Phase II Bog Turtle Survey this spring, you should call us as soon as possible to get on our schedule. Every year we end up turning clients away because there are not enough hours in the day to complete their survey. This work is scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
There are strict weather and timing requirements for these surveys and all must be completed between April 15th and June 15th with at least two surveys taking place in May.
Contact us for more information and remember that if you miss this bog turtle season, you will have to wait until April of 2011 to conduct your study.
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