Dave attended the Georgetown Chamber of Commence luncheon yesterday at which Alan Levin, Director of the Delaware Development Office (DDO), was the guest speaker.
Alan Levin presented his vision for the DDO which is to focus on small business growth and tourism promotion, both major engines for Delaware’s economy. He shared his philosophy that government should facilitate and not stand in the way of responsible economic growth. To help achieve this goal, Mr. Levin announced that there will be a major reorganization of DDO placing less focus on staff functioning as experts to drive business direction but rather on staff functioning as generalists that help facilitate private sector experts’ initiative and entrepreneurship. Mr. Levin also emphasized that efforts are being made for State agencies to better communicate and coordinate to help rather than stand in the way of economic growth; he also met yesterday with DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara to work to develop ways to enable DNREC to change its process to be more efficient and responsive to enable economic growth while ensuring environmental protection.
JCM will continue to work with DNREC on important issues that affect our clients, with the current opportunity described by Mr. Levin an excellent opportunity to do just that.